
A verse from Scripture that has resonated with me for some time now is from Isaiah 30. There the Lord says, “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength.”

We live in an age when all these qualities seem to be lacking, not least in my own life. I desire repentance and rest; I need quietness and trust. So, though our lives are characterized by frenetic “noise” of all kinds, I will seek here to find some rest and quiet and in so doing cultivate attitudes of repentance and trust (it is no mistake, but rather Hebrew poetic intentionality, that these qualities are arranged chiastically to line up for us).

I say somewhere else that I am the husband of one (Mary); the father of seven (Jessica, Jameson, Abraham, Abbie, Shoshanah, Eli, and Joe), called dad, pops, poppa by any number of others; and, in God’s kind providence, a teacher of many. Over the years, I have been privileged to teach students at Biblical Seminary near Philadelphia, through Ligonier Ministries, at Reformed Theological Seminary and Florida Southern College and Belhaven University in Orlando, and Reformation Bible College in nearby Sanford, Fla. In addition, I have taught in mission capacities with Joni and Friends around the U.S., in Ghana and Ukraine and have taught several graduate classes at the New Geneva Theological Seminary program in Egypt for dear friends from the Nile Valley and the Near East.I have preached and taught in churches too numerous to list here. Presently my teaching is restricted to students at The Geneva School in Winter Park, Fla.

I read a lot, try to write (anyone who would write must read!), like to garden and collect coins (and, once upon a time beer cans!).

And, . . . I love all things Middle Earth. “I am after all, a Hobbit.”

2 thoughts on “About”

  1. Good afternoon! Do you have an email/contact where I could send you a question and letter? It is in regard to “Disability and the Gospel.” I enjoyed and agree with 99.9%. I am a Christian mother and advocate for my son with a serious mental illness. Would love to discuss a teensy point. Thank you for considering!

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